Identity as a Service

Identity Management

Guarantee the agility and security that your customers are looking for today through solutions that allow them to access different levels of security depending on the type of digital process. The same level of security is not required for opening an account or an app as it is for approving a loan or a legal transaction. It is therefore important to have a solution that offers the opportunity to vary the level of security depending on the case.

To this end, with the appropriate assessment of the level of risk per process, it will be possible to access the service that allows, in a simple way, to improve the experience while mitigating the risk of identity theft and fraud.

Abis as a Service

Automated biometric identification system

Multibiometric identity validation solution, which collects information from individuals to perform registrations in seconds. The tour begins with the capture and extraction of information from the official identity document, taking a selfie and responding to requested gestures, taking identity verification one step further, thus guaranteeing secure access in future processes.

By being a simple and agile experience, we manage to reduce friction with your customer while personalizing their experience, guaranteeing:

Speed increase in data capture

Reduced usage time

Reduction in the process abandonment rate

Extraction of information from the ID document, on both sides with a smartphone camera or webcam..

Face capture through a selfie, to validatethe authenticity of the identity.

Performing simple gestures to complete the life test.

The user is successfully incorporated, ensuring safe access to future processes.

Corroboration Hub​

Multibiometric Corroboration Center

Service that compares the information extracted from people’s identification documents, with a superior level of coverage; against different sources of consultation, such as government databases and open sources, as well as with highly reliable life detection functionalities that will help build the validated digital identity of your customers, mitigating the possibility of fraud and impersonation. We cover:

Selfie capture and proof of life

Documentary verification (including fingerprint analysis)

Face matching (1:1 and/or 1:N)vs. selfie

Barcode scanning of identification documents

Character extraction by OCR

Sociodemographic questions

Open databases (RRSS, blogs, forums)

OTP validation via SMS and/or email.

Query and collection of information from open, governmentaland public available sources, binding and restrictive lists.

Identification as a Service

Gestión de identificación

Identification as a service

Identification Management

Our identification service allows us to align identity verification with the user’s deeper knowledge, generating a higher level of trust, based on reputational models that make use of official databases, binding and restrictive lists, among others.

Developing in a robust process of customer knowledge within the policies and processes for risk management of money laundering and terrorist financing LAFT, in order to protect companies from operational, legal and other risks.

This type of service may include:

Query in biometric centers

Queries in open, governmental sources and restrictive lists ReconoSER ID.

Verification monitoring of high-risk clients LAFT

Email reputation to ensure its existence and track record

IP reputation with geolocation to avoid fraudulent connections or bots.